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Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin Short Stories in Italian

L’Associazione americana dedicata a Kate Chopin accoglie la nostra opera

Raffaella Polverini in Italy tells us that in 2022 her publishing house “published fifteen short stories and an essay about Kate Chopin.”

Raffaella Polverini, her website, explains, is an established publisher and author as well as an accomplished educator presenting workshops in creative writing and publishing. In 2009 she started the Kaba Edizioni publishing house dedicated to books for children and teenagers, and in 2020 she began her new adventure “with the the new brand Al3vie for adults with poems, essays, spirituality. . . . It is now publishing Kate Chopin’s short stories.”

Translator Anna Maria Farabbi writes: “Focusing on works and personalities of qualitative excellence, with powerful originality and eccentric, subversive force, free from canons and rhetorics, I firmly believe, it is a civil, political, and artistic duty. In the course of my studies, my attention has mainly focused on female artists who, over the centuries, have in different but all-encompassing ways suffered injustices of marginalisation, underestimation, devaluation, even erasure. It is never an accident when an act of intellectual feminicide occurs.

“Kate Chopin has carved her nib in the diseased scabs of everyday social and relational life, especially in the cavities of the community, in those roots that preclude women’s rights and opportunities.”

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