Privacy & Cookie Policy

Al3viE is committed to protecting your privacy and have adopted this privacy policy to set out the basis on which your personal information is collected, processed and used.

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 2018, (the “Acts”) the data controller is Al3viE via Don Cesare Ferrari 8/C, 27020 Trivolzio – Pavia. Italy

Our privacy policy applies to all information you provide about yourself to us whether via any of our websites or by other means. 

Our policy sets out:

  • how we collect and use personal data,
  • who we share it with,
  • protection of data,
  • your rights and responsibilities; and
  • how to contact us.

We take responsibility for protection of your personal data seriously and will take care in use and handling of your personal data.  We reserve the right to make any changes to our privacy policy and, if we do so, the new policy will replace this one.

Collection and Use of Personal Data and Cookies

During your interaction with us, whether via our websites, social media, by email, through completion of surveys, use of our apps or by any other means, we may collect personal details such as your name, address, email address, telephone number in order to provide you with information or reply to your queries.  We will also collect and process data about you if you purchase any product or service from us and/or if you enter any competition run by or in association with us, although these may also be subject to additional terms and conditions. 

We may use such personal data collected to:

process your request, for example, to purchase products and services or your donation

communicate with you and provide information about our products and services and those of the Al3viE  and to administer your account

send you marketing communications about products, services, promotions or other matters that we feel may be of interest or use to you, subject to your agreement

contact you about a product or service you have bought, submission you have made or content you have provided.

analyse your use of our websites, our apps and response to our communications and improve the services we offer, including personalising our communications with you. 


A cookie is a small file created by a web site and then stored on your computer. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can control if and when you allow cookies to be stored on your machine, and can view or delete any cookies stored.

This web site does use cookies.

Cookies make it possible for us to better collect statistical information on visitors to our site, and in particular identify repeat visitors. This statistical information informs our content development and marketing of the site.

The cookies we create contain no personal details, only a unique identifying code that allows our system to identify repeat visitors to our system. We store this identifying cookie in addition to your computer or network’s IP address; the date and time you visited; the page you visited and if available the previous site or page that linked you to this page (for example a search engine).

We cannot identify other web sites you visit or what pages on those sites you visit other than that mentioned above. We cannot read personal information from your computer, or read information created in cookies from other web sites. We cannot identify who each web site visitor is, or gain any private information on each visitor.

Sharing Personal Data

If you would like to know more about cookies, please visit

We do not sell or rent personal data about our customers to third parties.

We reserve the right to release personal data when we believe that release is appropriate in order to comply with the law, or to enforce our terms and conditions, or to protect our rights, property, or safety, and that of companies in the Group, our customers, or other third parties.

Protection of Personal Data

We will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that all the personal data that you have submitted to us  remains secure and have procedures to protect the storage and disclosure of personal data.

Your Rights and Responsibilities

You have the right to access the personal data which we hold about you and to have any errors corrected.  It is your responsibility to ensure that we have correct contact information.  This will enable us to provide you with the best service possible. We will not hold personal data longer than deemed necessary.

If at any time you wish your personal data to be completely removed from all our systems, or if you just want to update any personal data we have about you, please send an email to 

Privacy Support

Please contact us by any means if you have any questions or are unhappy about the way your data is used.  We hope we will be able to resolve any problems or issues you may have.